Above: Rear Common Room
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FREE WiFi now available to all members and guests staying at Bullpot Farm. The password is displayed on the noticeboard in the Members room and Guests kitchen. Its use restricted to bedrooms and upper floors.
Changing room available for none members
Bullpot Farm None Members Day Fees
Red Rose CPC has increased the use of Bullpot Farm for day use from £1 to £2 per person for none members. Lots of visitors are using the facilities for more than just changing. We do not object to this but think that people should pay accordingly.
Please put your contributions in the money safe in the Members Room and fill in the signing in book. Thank you
Telephone Information
 Guests’ kitchen
 Guest kitchen
 Members’ kitchen
 Members’ Room |
 Main Common room |
 Guest Front bunk room 1.
 Members only bunk room |
 Showers, urinal & Disabled toilet |
 Rear Bunk Room 2 |
 Main Corridor |
 Ease Gill Cave survey displays |
 Drying Room |
 A corner of the Reading Room (Members only) |
 A corner of the club library (Members only) |
 Ground Floor Plan |
 First Floor Plan |
 Second Floor Plan Members only |
Red Rose Cave and Pothole Club, Bullpot Farm, Fell Road, Casterton, Via Carnforth. LA6 2JP
Please view the Diary page to find free dates before booking.
 Aerial view |
 Wainright’s sketch |