For 2023 the prestigious Giles Barker Award was presented to Bill Nix, a member of Red Rose CPC, one of the two clubs that fund and maintain the award (the other being Morgannwg CC). This in itself involved some subterfuge to avoid Bill learning of the decision until it was announced publicly. Bill’s cave photography has visibly improved over the years, from his Photo Salon entries at Hidden Earth (including at the 2023 meeting in Gordano, Portishead near Bristol) to entries in other competitions and an increasing presence in caving publications. He has been efficient in producing images of specific locations to order when required, showing imagination in composition as well as expertise in their production. Notably, this extended to the Hidden Earth publicity where one of his photos was chosen for the conference programme and mug. Congratulations, Bill, on receiving this 28th award in the series, which as usual is a fine trophy specially created by Ceris Jones.
The Giles Barker Award 2023 trophy, created by Ceris Jones. Photo: Chris Howes