CCTV at the Farm
After local and regional publicity about Bullpot Farm and the installation of Broadband for the Rural North (B4RN) we have decided to install CCTV in and around the building. The reasons are as follows.
1. Publicity about B4RN being installed to Bullpot Farm and Red Rose CPC having internet access.
2. Publicity of the new SDF grant from the National Park and the fact that we now have a Library and tackle stores on the site.
3. Concern over people trying to break into Bullpot Farm in the past as it is in an isolated location, often unoccupied during the week. We have had lead stolen off the roof recently. There has been an increase in rural crime in the area recently as well.
The committee wishes to inform Red Rose members and guests that a CCTV system has been installed at the Farm. There is one camera on the stairs up to the Library and four others outside over looking the car parks and tackle stores. This is for security purposes as we now have the club library and internet access located in the attic. The following points should be noted.
Download RRCPC CCTV Policy CCTV Policy pdf
- Any images collected will only be held for a short time of a couple of weeks or so and then removed from the system.
- Access to the system and images will be restricted only to three persons, who need particular information to prevent crime.
- The data is stored on a HDD in a locked room which only a few committee members have access to and is password protected. only three will know this.
- It will not be used to spy on individual members or guests.
- We have registered the system with the Information Commission as we are required to do under the Data Protection Act as the outdoor cameras overlook public areas
- There are clear signs displayed in windows that CCTV is in operation.
- We have formal CCTV Policy which members are welcome to see if they wish.
Action plan Summary
The RRCPC uses CCTV equipment to provide a safer, more secure environment for members and guests and to prevent vandalism and theft. Essentially it is used for:
- The prevention, investigation and detection of crime.
- The apprehension and prosecution of offenders (including use of images as evidence in criminal proceedings).
- Monitoring the security of the site.
- The RRCPC does not use the CCTV system for covert monitoring.
October 2017
Updated Jan 2023