Plug Hole


Just a small article on a recent find by Frank Croll, whu spotted the entrance in the bottom of a local quarry. He enlisted my heip one evening and we went to have a look at which turned out to be the drain hole for the quarry.

About 15 feet in was a fall of rock but after a couple of hours judicious digging a way was found under two ”hangers”. As it was late and we were gripped up with the site, we decided to leave the open cave till another time. So closing the entrance, we left. ie returned tile following week with two “ferrets”, Bill Holden & Andrew Walsh. Bill didn’t seem to see the hanging boulders as he plunged through & down a sloping phreatic passage dropping at an angle of 20 degrees. Frank followed not wanting to be left out and their voices grew fainter as they disappeared. After a while they shouted back for a bar and Andrew & I crawled in for about 120 feet to where the stream disappeared in a gravelly choke. Andrew floundered around in the muddy water but only gained a few feet. It did however seem to be a good place for a dig.

Unfortunately I believe that half the cave may have gone with the recent blasting in the quarry, but the fact that it should also remove the two “hangers” at the entrance & that it drains all the water from the quarry makes it a very interesting prospect. A dye test to see if it connects with Dunald Mill Cave which runs further down the valley would, if successful, mean a system of over a mile in length. There is a strong draught in the cave but whether it comes from a 20 foot aven could not be ascertained.

J. H. Newton.


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