Lancaster - Marecaibo -
Party, in order of increasing weight:- , Sandra Muckalt, Boyd Harris,
Mike Taylor, Ian (a friend), Peter Muckalt & Jim Newton (13 stone plus)
“9:30, an early start..” was quoted by
our leader, who arrived at 9:40a,m. on a sunny Sabbath, but made a hasty start
to rig Lancaster Hole and forgot the pulley. Peter made sure we had a short
ladder to rig County on the way out- he doesn’t like climbing out of
At Oxbow Corner, Sandra had
already lighted her trustworthy carbide as her electric had gone to sleep (Duff
gear) Jim showed us the original entrance to Maracaibo and after convincing us
that this was tight, he led the way (thrutching) through the easy dry crawl
(for some) into Maracaibo.
Next came a fairly arduous traverse (for some ed.), the smaller member of the
party had a string of complaints for the length of the rift. The following mile
of passage was incredibly decorated with pure white stals, flowstone, straws,
etc. A crystal pool a third of the way in was extremely delightful and shows
that past cavers have been meticulously careful in preserving the formations.
(So take note future cavers.) Just after halfway the passage narrows down with
calcite to a flat out crawl, where our leader (who’s been through before)
jammed around his few extra pounds & after a struggle we saw his feet
thrashing back towards us, Sandra was volunteered to go through next and
slipped through with ease - found the streamway on the other side silted up and
returned. A hard caver was called for - so the poser went in, reached the
streamway and dug out the gravel (with a little grunt or two). Sandra &
Boyd followed up to where the pretties faded away and turned back taking photos
n route - with a prettier poser of course. On returning through the crawl, we
found Ian asleep (knacked) and the fatties had gone off to take some pictures.
(Jim must be trying to keep the club trophy). All returned to Oxbow Corner and
cleaned off in the streamway, then had eats and a drink of water with an extra
flavour. (Yes, your poser was
having a pee up stream). Heading for County we bypassed the Minarets into
Cornes Cavern, into Snail Cavern where we heard more complaints from the small
one, this time about slippery mud banks. At
Another delight was that County was laddered and we all made a speedy exit to the warm afternoon air. Jim was last out (weight or photographing is debatable!!) and found the entrance shaft had become another shower bath. Walking back, Boyd proclaimed it was the nicest smelling caving trip he’d been on (thanks to Sandra’s Estee Lauder). We arrived back at the farm at 4:30p.m. after a most enjoyable trip. Thanks,Jim.
STOP PRESS. Unfortunately we have just heard that all Jim’s photos have come out Daz white - is it the camera or photographer.
& Mike.
(A compromise of
2 accounts of the same trip.)
This foul slur on the
Editors frame & photographic ability will not go unnoticed. Be warned!!