In the same valley and just upvalley from PIPPIKIN POT the sink cave soon connects with it. A lid covers a concrete cap directly on to a 5m pitch with a dash under the water at the bottom. This is followec by a short climb to a junction, travers over the top leads to a squeeze onto a balcony overlooking a large void. This is EAST CHAMBER below Cellar Pot on Pippikin Pot. A 14M pitch broken by a ledge 9m down gives access to the chamber.
Back at the junction a 3m climb leads to the top of a 8m pitch. The squeeze at the bottom of the 8m pitch ended at a 3m drop and a very short section of passage to a final 3m pitch . A bedding at the bottom of this leads to a too tight pasage where 2m ahead a strongly draughting drop is visible.